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Management of adult testicular germ cell tumours

Testicular germ cell tumours are relatively rare, with around eight cases per 100,000 of the male population in Scotland in 2008. It is one of the few curable solid cancers even when it has metastasised, with a crude overall five year survival rate in Scotland of 95.8%

Remit and target users

The guideline provides evidence-based recommendations on the management of testicular cancer, including diagnosis, primary management, staging, management of the contralateral testis, stage I disease, metastatic disease, residual masses after chemotherapy, treatment of relapsed disease, late toxicity, and post-treatment follow up.

The guideline will be of particular interest to patients, oncologists, urologists, radiologists, clinical nurse specialists, surgeons, general practitioners and pathologists.

How this guideline was developed

This guideline was developed using a standard methodology based on a systematic review of the evidence. Further details can be found in SIGN 50: A Guideline Developer’s Handbook.

Keeping up to date

This guideline was issued in 2011 and considered for review in 2014 at which time it was endorsed as current. The review history, and any updates to the guideline in the interim period, will be noted in the review report.

If you are aware of any new evidence that would update this guideline please complete a change request form and return to:

 Current 3-7 years

Some recommendations may be out of  date, declaration of interests governance may not be in line with current policy.

SIGN 124, March 2011