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The Right Decision Service bridges the gap between knowledge and action to deliver a suite of decision support toolkits based on individual SIGN guidelines and evidence products.

SIGN decision support offers patients easy-to-read information about their condition based on patient versions of SIGN guidelines. Patient versions of guidelines are booklets that ‘translate’ guideline recommendations and their rationales. The booklets are meant to be more easily understood and used by patients and the public. The app also offers access to interactive features that may not be in booklet versions.  

Right Decision Service is a 'Once for Scotland' source of digital tools. It enables people to quickly make safe decisions 'on the go', based on validated evidence. It provides health and social care organisations with tools to build decision-ready guidance, pathways, risk scoring tools, shared-decision aids, and other decision-support resources. These tools are all delivered through the Right Decision Service website and mobile app.

Our apps were developed in partnership with the Right Decision Service and Tactuum Ltd with clinicians and lived-experience input. The apps give clinicians another tool to align their clinical practice to evidence-based, quality-assured national recommendations.

The app can be accessed from any mobile device. It is available for free download on both iTunes and Google Play app stores. A web version of the apps is also available via the link below;

SIGN decision support